Miss Julie - Getting the Final Details Right
Jess Hardwick gives us her last blog from behind-the-scenes of Miss Julie - the count down to opening night.
Tech week - always a busy week, but it's all come together in time for the start of the run. We moved from the rehearsal room to the main stage on Wednesday and began plotting our way through the show, so that the technical team could make adjustments to the light and sound.
It's incredibly exciting, as you see the whole show coming together and get the chance to familiarise yourself with the stage. After having worked in the rehearsal room for three weeks it takes a little time to get used to the new space. Also there's a steep rake (slope) on the stage at the Citz so it takes a little while to get used to walking and moving on a bit of an angle.
We finished the tech on Wednesday, which was great as we could then squeeze in three dress rehearsals before our first preview on Thursday. Dress rehearsals are your opportunity to go from start to finish without stopping, as opposed to Tech rehearsals which need you to start and stop frequently as the team fiddle with the lights and sound around you.

Finally having the audience was electric - they were the missing part of the jigsaw and the most important part in the process of bringing together all the elements of the production.
Every audience is different, as is every performance. That's why live theatre is so exciting - anything can happen and it's different every night.
Really looking forward to the next week and a bit, and hope to see lots of friendly faces in the bar afterwards!
Hope you enjoy the production.
Tech week - always a busy week, but it's all come together in time for the start of the run. We moved from the rehearsal room to the main stage on Wednesday and began plotting our way through the show, so that the technical team could make adjustments to the light and sound.

Finally having the audience was electric - they were the missing part of the jigsaw and the most important part in the process of bringing together all the elements of the production.
Every audience is different, as is every performance. That's why live theatre is so exciting - anything can happen and it's different every night.
Really looking forward to the next week and a bit, and hope to see lots of friendly faces in the bar afterwards!
Hope you enjoy the production.
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