The Buzz

I am a geek a heart and have been dreaming about making a Tag cloud for ages. Given that our children and young people's theatre company is called TAG, it seemed too good an opportunity to miss. If you don't know what a Tag cloud's our new section on the right hand side called "The Buzz". Here you'll be able to see the subjects our blog is talking about.

The biggest words are those subjects which are referred to most often. This should help you browse the blog for entries that are relevant to you, whether our two current shows - Waiting for Godot and Wee Fairy Tales (both at the Citz this week)...or Corporate Training events, there should always be something to grab your attention.

This feature has also been added to TAG's blog - which gives you loads of info about the projects and productions we create specifically for children and young people.

Happy reading.



Cat McNaught said…
Helen, this is great! I'll look forward to seeing what pops up here over the next couple weeks!
