Behind the Scenes

NAME: Martin Travers
JOB TITLE: Head of Citizens Learning & TAG

Key Responsibilities: Planning, Budgeting & Managing Projects

How long have you worked at the Citizens? Since 1999 (on and off)

Did you have to train specifically to do your job? Nope (Ed. He's shy!)

What’s your favourite thing about your job?
Helping children, young people and adults to develop new skills and understand and take ownership of the theatre experiences we offer.

What’s your least favourite thing about your job? The bus getting here

My hero is…
Bob Dylan (this week)

You probably don’t know this about me, but…
There’s no point telling you as you wouldn’t believe me

My first ever album was… Are You Experienced? by The Jimi Hendrix Experience

My desert island luxury would be… Brewer’s Yeast

I wish I could… Dance the Charleston
