Rehearsals begin...
Hello again!
I am completely new to this blogging malarky so have been trying to explore the website... I think somebody is going to have to give me a lesson! I've been looking at a couple of other blogs, one about cooking, and another about finding faces in everyday objects (which does entertain me for some reason), but I think I'll just stick with keeping you up to date with Othello rehearsals!
Day one: A 'meet and greet' cup of tea in the canteen for all in involved with both productions, Othello and Topdog/ Underdog. I was quite nervous as I reached the Stage Door, but when everyone arrived it was really informal and relaxed. A quick chance to say hello, and then upstairs for the first read through. What a play! Hearing it read aloud by the cast for the first time is always quite special I think, everybody feeling a bit nervous as their first line approaches... or maybe that was just me. Anyway, all went well, and already I had my first taste of what each of the actors might bring to their characters. After this we had a discussion with the designer, Philip Witcomb about set and costumes. The set looks amazing, and costume designs very exciting. I don't want to give anything away, but don't come expecting to see the lovely Jude Akuwudike in a pair of tights!
From then on Guy wanted to start working through the play from the beginning, just to get a rough shape to start with. Because my character is not in until the second half, I wasn't called very much at the beginning of the week, but when I came in to watch a run of the first couple of acts, I was very impressed by what had been done. It really felt like a lot had been achieved in the first week.
Week two, and we kept working through the script, people are beginning to get a bit more off book now. It's actually amazing when watching rehearsals, to see the difference in performance between the scenes that people are using the script, and when they are not. I know people have different opinions on using a script in rehearsals, but I find rehearsing easier when I'm off book... in this it hasn't been too hard for me because I'm only in three scenes, but I take my hat off to some of the others who have an enormous amount to learn. Somebody said to me the other day that they think Andy Clark has more to learn as Iago than he did when he played Hamlet... I don't know how he does it!
Anyway, rehearsals are going well, and going very quickly. Can't quite believe we open in two weeks!
Will continue to keep you posted, and I'm not too sure how this blogger works, but if you want to ask me anything about rehearsals (maybe by leaving a comment!?) I'll do my best to answer in my next blog.
Mairi x
Ps. Very excited about all the Othello posters that are starting to pop up around Glasgow!