Sub Rosa - hot ticket!
Sub Rosa previewed last night to a sell-out audience - well, seven audiences actually! With seven performances a night and just 15 audience members in each tour this is a truly up-close and personal theatre experience.
Tickets are selling fast, with over half of our shows completely sold out, so if you've been swithering about getting yours then dont put it off any longer - book now!
We'll have a full selection of production images soon but in the meantime here's a few images as a teaser....
Cora Bissett and Angela Darcy as Mille and Dillie Merkeley in Sub Rosa.
David Magowan as Vaclav, the strongman, in Sub Rosa.
Photos by Tim Morozzo.
Remember - for tickets call 0141 429 0022 go online at
Tickets are selling fast, with over half of our shows completely sold out, so if you've been swithering about getting yours then dont put it off any longer - book now!
We'll have a full selection of production images soon but in the meantime here's a few images as a teaser....

Photos by Tim Morozzo.
Remember - for tickets call 0141 429 0022 go online at