Scott Gillies Tribute

Everyone at the Citizens Theatre was deeply saddened to hear of the passing of one of our participants Scott Gillies. Scott was a member of Friday Club, our drama classes for learning disabled adults. His fellow participants and the staff who worked most closely with him wanted to share this tribute.  

The Friday Club would like to pay tribute to our dear friend Scott Gillies. 
Scott was a huge part of our creative company since he joined in 2016.
He brought his quirky imagination, quick humour and gentle character to our rehearsals and could always be relied upon to bring a different, unique perspective to the work we created together.

When making the film "The Island of Night", only Scott could come up with the character of a historical reenactment actor as a resident of a remote Scottish island!

Although he was a larger-than-life presence in the group, he was never overbearing and was always sensitive and thoughtful about the needs of his friends and colleagues.  
Scott performed in all Friday Club productions from 2016 onwards, appearing in The Wedding, The River, The Sea, Silent Movie and our filmed productions of Citizen Ghost, The Island of Night, Penny Lane (sort of) and The Orbs.

Scott also appeared on the main stage at the Citizens Theatre in the community production, The Gorbals Vampire. This was something that he was very proud of and we were proud of him too. 
Some memories of Scott from Friday Club members:
“When we had our sessions on zoom during the pandemic we were also regularly joined by Scott’s dog and parrot. The parrot even made it into one of the films when at the end of a take it squawked and Scott, as quick as you like, chimed in with “That’s ma parrot by the way”. It had to make the final edit!” 

“Scott helped me through the kilt walk last year and I will dedicate my walk to him this year. He loved nature”.

“We’re all DOOMED!” - best delivery of a line. Every time I watch The Orbs that line makes me laugh out loud.” 


“Whenever it was Scott’s turn he would say “Hold on, I’m thinking” and twiddle his fingers”
“Scott was a good friend. He was funny and kind. I think I can speak for all of us when I say he is very much missed.”

Our days at the Friday Club feel different without Scott but he will always be a part of our group and his influence and creativity have left a mark on us all.  
Scott, always thinking of you.  
The Friday Club
Find out more about Friday Club on our website.
