Dress up your very own wicked step-sister!
In case you didn't receive our special enews, we thought we should let you know about a brand new free online game for the Citizens Christmas Show this year.
Click on the image below to dress up your very own wicked step-sister. This game designed by our friends at Otago Street uses original drawings by Jason Southgate.
Be patient as it takes a wee moment to load...but it's worth the wait.

If you want to receive enewsletters, just go to our website and use the sign up box.
Click on the image below to dress up your very own wicked step-sister. This game designed by our friends at Otago Street uses original drawings by Jason Southgate.
Be patient as it takes a wee moment to load...but it's worth the wait.

If you want to receive enewsletters, just go to our website and use the sign up box.